Tuesday, April 2, 2019

According to Folklore, a Long-Missed Friend Will Return

Notes from November 7, 2017.
A yellow jacket flying around the hood of my car and a bird singing I can't identify, but it's familiar, I haven't heard it since my childhood. I can smell wet gravel on the driveway and hear it crunching underfoot as I walk to end of it where I'll wait for the bus. I hear that bird song from somewhere in the oak scrub across the street. This morning that sound is visceral, it literally throws me back in time. A lump in my throat forms for a childhood a long ways behind me and my long gone mother who I miss so much.

April, 2019. The bird singing in 2017 was a chickadee.

According to Folklore, a Long-Missed Friend Will Return

The chickadee
calls out to me
with my mother’s
voice. She says,
“Mi-key! Mi-key!”
Calling me to her
where she stands
at the sink
in front of the
kitchen window,
where one time she
could have reached
out and touched
the backs of white-
tailed deer as
they bounded through
the backyard and
leapt in one motion
over the pond
where I crouch now,
toes dangling
over the wet bank.
I back away,
careful not to slip
into the duckweed,
and run to her voice.
But she is not
there, not there
at all, and I’m a
man in the middle
of my lawn,
facing the woods
behind my house
where in that vernal
shade the chickadee
sings its bright,
beckoning song.   

By Michael Kocinski

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